Dear Concerned Resident

As part of our Community Safety Planning  for 2016, we would like your input on specific  problems faced in your area, as well as possible  suggestions on how to improve the situation.

This could range from requesting improved street lighting on a particular street ,concerns about vagrants moving into an area, problem guest houses or licensed premises, reporting  drug dealing at a particular premises or starting a street committee.

Without being aware of your concerns, we cannot even attempt to address these issues, so your input is essential.

These concerns and suggestions will be discussed at our Milnerton Community Police Forum (SubForum3) meeting:

Monday  25th January 2016 at 18h30 in the 2nd floor meeting room, Milnerton SAPS, Koeberg Rd.

Please join us, all invited so feel free to bring a friend.

If you are unable to attend we would appreciate any comments and suggestions per email, these will be treated as confidential.

We face serious challenges in 2016 need  community involvement if we are to succeed in making our community safer for all.

Kind Regards
Milnerton Community Police Forum (SubForum3) Exco