It’s that time of the year! We’re all wound up, getting ready to wind down for a few weeks. Looking forward to spending time with family and friends and relaxing after a tough year.

Let’s not overlook those who have been cutting us some slack on the home-front – namely our Right-Hand women, aka. the Cleaning Fairies. Let us show them our appreciation and treat them to an afternoon off – no hard labour, just food, music and fun! Surely they deserve it?

The Milnerton Lions Club in Milnerton Ridge are throwing a big bash for our ladies. For only R150 they get to relax and kick up their heels with friends, after enjoying a delicious lunch. There will be entertainment, prizes and gifts for everyone!

WHEN:   Thursday, 7 December 2017
TIME:      13h00-17h00
WHERE: Milnerton Lions Clubhouse, 109 Milnerton Drive, Milnerton Ridge

Please book a spot by e-mailing Linda asap:

An EFT secures your booking:
FNB Montague Gardens
Account Number: 6267 7996 765
Branch: 250655

MRNW members, please send your name and cleaning fairy’s name to 072 4975949 to enter the lucky draw. 2 lucky ladies will be sponsored for the event!
(You will be reimbursed if already paid.)