Re-Post of original on the Crimewatch Facebook Page

2015 09 02 Thermal Cameras Deters Suspect in Milnerton Ridge

11150974_501790693332976_4600188379495030158_n 11225301_501790703332975_5029523762945525395_n 11924574_501790679999644_6424471411193156571_n 11933437_501790689999643_485980271432373302_n 11990457_501790696666309_2457998399531477276_n




In this series of pictures:

04h41 a suspect is seen approaching houses in Milnerton Ridge from the vlei. The Crime Watch controllers detect him and send patrolmen.

The suspect who can be seen concealing a sharp object of some sort behind his back spots the approaching patrollers and runs away.

Later at 05h51 the suspect returns, is detected again but again escapes the circling patrolmen.

Maybe next time, he won’t get away.