Your opinion and support is important to us and in fact, we cannot proceed with any initiatives unless we have the commitment of a substantial portion of our residential base.

To this end, we would like you to participate in this short survey in order to give us an idea of which initiatives to proceed with. All information provided remains confidential as per the Neighbourhood Watch Code of Conduct.

    Name (Required)

    Email (Required)

    Contact Number 1 (Required)

    Contact Number 2

    Alarm System Workshop

    I would be interested in attending a workshop conducted by Crimewatch which will cover all aspects of installing an efficient alarm system, thereby enabling me in protecting myself and my family in the most informed and cost effective way possible.
    No thank youYes please

    Cycling Patrol

    The MRNW has undertaken to determine the level of interest for a Cycling Security Patrolman. Many suburbs in South Africa have this option available to them via their security providers or neighbourhood watches and has been proven to reduce crime by pure virtue of presence.

    Interested in supporting?
    No thank youYes please

    Financial Contribution
    Monthly Commitment
    If 'Other', please state amount


    Once Off Donation

    I would like to make a once-off contribution towards costs incurred by the MRNW in their day to day operations or for items on the Wishlist. I understand that this amount will be spend in any way decided by the MRNW Committee.

    Not at this stageYes, of course!
    If 'Yes', amount: