Latest News
Stationery Drive for Marconi Beam Primary School
This was a really heart warming project to work on and the Milnerton Ridge Neighbourhood Watch would like to thank all residents, neighbours and friends who contributed towards a fairly substantial donation towards the Grade 1's of Marconi Beam Public Primary School!...
Milnerton Lions Club – Xmas Lunch
It's that time of the year! We're all wound up, getting ready to wind down for a few weeks. Looking forward to spending time with family and friends and relaxing after a tough year. Let's not overlook those who have been cutting us some slack on the home-front -...
Recommended Suppliers
The Milnerton Ridge community have made recommendations on various suppliers and service providers. We have started to collect them and keep them in an easy to find place.
Motivation for CPF Office in Milnerton SAPS Building
The Milnerton Community Police Forum Chairman - Lianne Lippert, has been asked if it would be possible for a permanent CPF presence to to be established in the Milnerton SAPS precinct by means of a specifically designated office - accessible by the community. The...
Milnerton Ridge Twilight Run 15 Feb 2017
What an amazing evening at our first ever Twilight Run. A gorgeous evening, great turnout with residents from Milnerton Ridge, Royal Ascot, Milnerton, Phoenix and Joe Slovo Park – coming together to build some good old fashioned community 'gees' (spirit)....
Spring Fling Dinner Dance
The Milnerton Ridge Neighbourhood Watch invites all Milnerton Residents and friends to their Annual Fundraiser. When: Friday, 9 September 2016 Where: Milnerton Bowling Club Pienaar Rd, Milnerton Time: 7pm till late Cost: R280 per head...
The Milnerton Ridge Community
The Milnerton Ridge Neighbourhood Watch was officially reinstated as a community based organisation in January 2015, with a brand new committee whose focus is on wholistic community development – i.e. not only from a security point of view.
Our aim is to reach as many residents as possible to get everyone on board the Milnerton Ridge Neighborhood Watch. We have a team of committed individuals who have pledged some of their valuable personal time for the greater good of our community.
The groundwork has been established – all we need is YOU!
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