When you see something that needs attention in our Neighbourhood you can LOG it on the City of Cape Town’s web site:
If we deal with these problems as a community, Neighbourhood Watch and City front, we are more likely to get a better response.
- Click on the CREATE SERVICE REQUEST link
- Select the GROUP that the issue relates to
- Go to SERVICE – Choose a type from the list by clicking on the little black arrow on the right
- Click on the Step 2 button
- Describe your complaint in as much detail as you can
- Click on the Step 3 button
- Type in the ADDRESS or click the location on the map where attention is needed
- Click on the Step 4 button
- Upload a photo, if you have one
- Click on the Step 5 button
- Fill in your CONTACT DETAILS and your preferred method of feedback
- Click on the REVIEW button and check all your information
- Click on the SUBMIT button to send it through to the City of Cape Town
Make a copy of the cellphone message or e-mailĀ with the reference number, for follow up should the problem persist